
Please ensure that you have provided a valid personal email address to WPI. You will receive a message at that email notifying you of your WPI credentials and email address. Use the information provided to reset your password, setup multi-factor authentication, and access your WPI email.

Whitelist WPI Email
To make sure you receive important communications from WPI, we recommend that you whitelist in your email client so these messages arrive in your inbox. If you believe you are missing emails from WPI, please check your Spam or Junk folder for the message.


  • WPI email address with temporary password sent to your personal email address
  • Access to mobile device for app notifications
  • Access to personal email address for notification
  • Complete the Login steps below 

Login into WPI Email

Use the referenced Actions in the top right of this article to complete the first time log in instructions

  1. Use Access the Outlook Web App action
  2. Log in with your WPI email and the temporary password provided to you
  3. You will be asked to set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Use View Multi-Factor Authentication Information to set up the Authenticator App.
  4. When Multi-Factor Authentication has been established, you'll be asked to set a permanent password. Use View WPI Password Standards to learn the requirements for your password. 
Changing Multi-Factor Authentication
If you ever need to change your Multi-Factor Authentication due to getting a new phone you must first remove your current MFA option and set it back up on your new device or number.

Self Service Password Reset

Self Service Password Reset (SSPR) allows you to reset your WPI password using a verification method via the Microsoft Authenticator application. Use the action Reset WPI Password under actions to reset your password if ever needed. 


Workday is the online application used for storage of student and employee records. Please use the action Login To Workday to ensure all new student or employee onboarding tasks are completed. 

Additional Resources

View the Related Items which contain resources curated especially for our new community members.