Sometimes when entering a support ticket or making a request, you may want to provide an update or answer some questions that were asked of you within the ticket.

  • Update A Ticket on the WPI Hub

    One of the quickest ways to update a ticket is to navigate to the My Tickets page of your WPI Hub Dashboard.

    1. Open your user sidebar and click the 'My Dashboard' link to open your Hub Dashboard.
    2. From the menu choose 'My Tickets' and you will be presented with a list of your active WPI Tickets.
    3. Choose the ticket you would like to update from the list.
    4. Under the 'Communications' heading you will be presented with a textbox. Type your updates here, and click 'add update'.
    5. Your comments will be added to the ticket
    A screenshot showing the Ticket Update screen on the My-Tickets Page.
  • Update a Ticket via WPI Email

    When you enter a ticket you should receive a confirmation email that acknowledges entry of your issue or request.

    As long as your ticket is still open, you can reply to this email confirmation and all email responses will go back into the ticket. 

    A screenshot of a Ticket confirmation email that is sent when a new ticket is created in a users name

    Additionally, you may receive other emails from the system regarding a ticket. Replying to those tickets will also add your response to the ticket.