

You must use a Linux Machine with a GUI. ITS recommends X2Go or RDP to support GUI.


A OneDrive repository must be available in your home directory. To create a repo, within the home directory:

mkdir OneDrive

Personal Computers: Install onedriver

If using OneDrive on a personal Linux device, you must first install the onedriver package. We've made the rpm available in the Actions.    

VPN Recommended

Use of the VPN is recommended, but if not, you will be prompted for MFA.

Enable the OneDrive Service

onedriver configured?
If you have not gone through the first time setup instructions, be sure to scroll down and do those! Once you've set your machine/workspace up, you'll want to follow the guidance here:

Enable the OneDrive Service

In order to start the OneDrive service, input the following command:

export SERVICE_NAME=$(systemd-escape --template onedriver@.service --path ~/OneDrive)

Next, you must enable and start the service. Input the following two commands:

systemctl --user enable $SERVICE_NAME
systemctl --user start $SERVICE_NAME

You will be prompted with a Microsoft pop-up. Input your WPI Email Address followed by your WPI Password.

Once you've authenticated, validate the OneDrive service is running correctly:

systemctl --user status $SERVICE_NAME

When you see that it shows it is running, press CTRL+C on your keyboard.

Terminal window displaying inputs and outputs of the commands to enable, start, and status for onedriver service.

View Your Files!

Once the service is running, pop into your OneDrive directory:

cd OneDrive